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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) |
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) supports the business processes to initiate, record, track, organize and manage all contacts with existing and prospective customers. The objective is build and maintain a single
resource containing all customer interactions from every area of the business to provide a holistic view of each customer. There are several variations of CRM solutions including,
Sales Force Automation (SFA) for opportunity, account and contact management by sales; CRM for Service and Support Operations including customer service, field service and other service related activities with customers;
CRM for Call Centers for managing all aspects of call center and telemarketing or telesales operations; CRM for Marketing to design, execute and manage inbound and outbound marketing campaigns; and variants for other business areas.
Business benefits include improved customer acquisition, service, satisfaction, retention and loyalty with increased productivity, revenue and profit.
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Associations & Education
Association for the Advancement of Relationship Marketing/Relationship Management (AARM)
Customer Database Management Benchmarking Association (CDMBA) Benchmarking studies Customer Relationship Management Association (CRMA) CRM industry representation Research & Industry Analysts
Aberdeen Fact-based research and insights focused on the global, technology-driven value chain
AMR Research Comprehensive research and advisory services for Business and IT executives Forrester Independent research provides pragmatic & forward-thinking advice to business & technology leaders Gartner Broad coverage analyst firm provides technology-related insight for clients to make better decisions IDC Research & market data for making fact-based decisions on technology purchases and business strategy Resources News & Blogs
CRMAdvocate Consolidates over 40 sources of CRM knowledge
CRM Buyer Guide and information for buying CRM solutions CRM Daily Customer Relationship Management news, articles, information and resources CRMindustry News, trends and technologies related to the CRM industry CustomerThink Global online community with newsletter, articles, blogs, news and discussion forum Inside CRM News, research reports, comparison guides, and directories for the CRM buyer Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC) Software evaluation and selection resources and services Publications & Newsletters
CRM Magazine Monthly magazine, weekly newsletter & other CRM resources
1to1 Media 1to1 Magazine & 1to1Weekly newsletter for winning customer strategies & CRM best practices Recommended Reading
CRM: A Strategic Imperative in the World of E-Business How to apply CRM for increasing revenues
CRM for the Common Man Practical, real-world advice and guidance for customer retention strategies CRM In Real Time Empowering Customer Relationships CRM 100 Success Secrets Questions on CRM Software, Solutions, Systems, Applications and Services CRM Unplugged: Releasing CRM's Strategic Value Lessons learned from real-world companies Customer Relationship Management Concepts and Technologies Managing Customer Relationships A Strategic Framework The Ultimate CRM Handbook Strategies & concepts for building enduring customer loyalty and profitability Why CRM Doesn't Work How to Win by Letting Customers Manage the Relationship